I have a dog leash at home, but no dog
My mother has many shoes. When she's not around, I put them on, especially high heels, and take selfies with them.
Heyy, im Lulu Harper and im from Japan but currently living in Australia!
I didn't realize that all my makeup was gone and went shopping
When I wash the jerseys from the football team, I have to sniff them beforehand, which is like a drug for me.
Soul mate, does anyone think that it still exists ?
Want a fun time I am open to texting or calling or hanging out
I'm slim , sexy , black hair , tattoos but not too many I like men with muscles
I've been driving unbuckled for over 15 years and have never been caught.
Hey ...
Not gonna lie, been living in London for nearly a year now and finding it hard to find anyone to even go on a second date let alone do anything fun with. Usually get ghosted after the first date. I don't even think anything goes wrong on the date they just ghost me afterwards and it's getting really depressing
I I have been on a mission trying to find my somebody and I have been with nobody for 5 years. I am very attracted to four different women, two of which I believe could be somebody that I could go the distance. Allison or Brandy or Ashton?
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