Big doggy!,bet u feel safe when your'e out walking your dog,lol 🤣🤣
2023-01-18T21:47:09+01:00 ago
i admit, that my biggest weakness is girls wearing tennis skirts.
I m21 I am way past shy.So i am looking for a woman who can handle it
I love screwing up a movie for other people and I tell how the movie ends at the box office when some is behind me
I told my best buddy that I'm tired and I'm going to sleep so I could play for 3 hours in peace.
I, f18 admit, my everyday underwear is old and full of holes
Sometimes I like to go deep into the woods and make all the animal noises to make the forest wanna get into it.
Cheating is not a mistake it's a choice. Loyalty is a responsibility is not a choice.!
I live in a shared flat and regularly poop in my roommate's litter box.
Hi there! I'm actually a very open person and as you can see, sweet as well 🙂 would be happy to be able to make some nice contacts here. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me. I am happy about every message
I want to feel what it is like to be a women
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Big doggy!,bet u feel safe when your'e out walking your dog,lol 🤣🤣
2023-01-18T21:47:09+01:00 ago