21yo living in Austria trying to have a great time and have some fun in the meantime open for 90%
i used to drink my dads sodas and lie about it :(
I told my best buddy that I'm tired and I'm going to sleep so I could play for 3 hours in peace.
I want someone who will let me pin them down and be good if u are that person text me
I always wanted a guy best friend. I don't know why; I just do it.
Ready for fun. 16 floor condo Miami all month. I have a friend here with and we own boats on the bay
Boyfriend ?
I 18/f confess my entire exterior appearance only masks a deep an frightening insecurity
I am a jealous and possessive person. What can I do for a change? I don’t want to be, because that’s always why my BF break up with me.
At a party I had to vomit while kissing, it was embarrassing
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