At 22 Years of age, I would not expect a different answer, the age where you just got your "Under 21" removed from your License, Permitted to enter a Bar legally what a relief, can by cigarettes on her own and the rest, So a few days ago she was considered what? Confusing ? Not at all GROW UP FOR HEAVEN SAKES AND GET A TRUE LIFE WITH YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFE" AND WELCOME TO THE TRUE ADULTHOOD
2023-04-06T11:46:19+02:00 ago
I have no coins today.. however i am interested in your DM. I don't know if i believe or how enchanting works
2023-02-22T07:55:44+01:00 ago
Well youre still young & there's plenty more ahead of you yet.
2023-01-14T09:43:32+01:00 ago
I can help
2022-09-13T08:00:45+02:00 ago
Want help ??
2022-09-13T12:10:09+02:00 ago
At 22 Years of age, I would not expect a different answer, the age where you just got your "Under 21" removed from your License, Permitted to enter a Bar legally what a relief, can by cigarettes on her own and the rest, So a few days ago she was considered what? Confusing ? Not at all GROW UP FOR HEAVEN SAKES AND GET A TRUE LIFE WITH YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFE" AND WELCOME TO THE TRUE ADULTHOOD
2022-08-25T16:11:46+02:00 ago
It’s life! It all depends on the decisions you’ve made all your life. Just stay positive.
2022-08-23T11:52:22+02:00 ago
Tell me more about your expectations .... Let me add some spice in your adult life?
2022-08-23T13:12:16+02:00 ago
? welcome to the reality
2022-08-20T03:52:17+02:00 ago