You shouldn't wash wallpaper with water, I did it once and it all came off the next day
God i wouldnt have mercy on any of you if i had my chance
Send me a message if you want to chat with me
I M/18 confess, that i always go to the gym late at night. the girls always look so hot while training in front of me.
I m18 confess, I had a slight car accident because I was looking at a woman
I feel like I am into more freaky shit than you would expect looking at me
I should buy pads and ob's in a shop for my gf.
I f18, admit simply not wanting to be an adult. Its to heard
Hello am a widow woman with one kid called Vivian, my late husband had an accident pas years ago. and am hear to fine new love
Because my girlfriend always jokes about my bald head, I once cut off a long lock of her hair while she was sleeping.
I am blinded by fate I don't need no ray ... To loose myself To find my way....
I wanted to sit down on a chair, then it collapsed.
I bought a pool just to make my neighbors jealous.
I’m very hungry right now. Guess what I want to eat!
I tried Psilocibin yesterday for the first time, what an intense experience. Love it!
What I wish for! A goodbye kiss in the morning before work. Another birthday. Laugh with you at some nonsense. We'll wait and see you again "when are you coming home". Lying next to each other in front of the TV.Have a nice and extensive breakfast together. Protect and be protected. That I'm not complete without you and you without me. Plan your vacation together and pay attention to each other's needs. SIMPLY "We together" is what I wish for. maybe you too?
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