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I have the really hot cousin she's got the sexiest boobs and the fattest ass she stays with us an she's really pretty You'd wanna cream pie her so bad and after she takes a bath she leaves her panties and her bra in the bath hanging I go in fap to the sweetet pussy of hers mannn it's so nice I love it



My cousin and I when we were younger we used to make out really nice and I used to suck on her titties I'm telling you they're the sweetest omggg so smooth






I have the really hot cousin she's got the sexiest boobs and the fattest ass she stays with us an she's really pretty You'd wanna cream pie her so bad and after she takes a bath she leaves her panties and her bra in the bath hanging I go in fap to the sweetet pussy of hers mannn it's so nice I love it



I have secrets and I have fantasies Im always fucking horny is it bad I wanna try a threesome with my man and another female ?






I once went to the toilet and I was super horny thinking of the girls at the party so some girl came who was the owner of the party asking what's up and I turned around and she saw my big black 7 inch cock and she told me she knows a good spot for the cock and when we're fucking about 1 hour later her mom came in finding us fucking and once she saw the dick she gave me a hint and I fucked her both ways she always tells her three friends and till now we do foursome



I have secrets and I have fantasies Im always fucking horny is it bad I wanna try a threesome with my man and another female ?



I once fucked this sexy blondie she was still maybe feeling the buzz all I know is that I was ramming so hard that when I was done and figured she was too I for some reason looked down and since I just pulled my dick out my jeans before the lovely fuck I noticed the wet spot from her and my juicy mixes on my jeans and as I look more clearly i notice a little piece of turd literally balled up like a bunny poop I didn’t know how to react I just flung it off and she noticed I saw something so she asked me what? I played it off and acted like it was nothing to not make her feel embarrassed yet I still will never forget and I relay this story to a lot of those who ask me what my weirdest sex experience lol



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