Wassup, I’m jay read my bio and dm me if your interested ;)
I was watering the flowers in the garden with the hose and didn't notice that the visitors were already there, I turned around and everyone was wet
You can send me your number or similar 🌹Hey how are you
I, 21f, confess i never graduatet and therefor forged my Highschool diploma. Since it worked i have been riddled with guilt. What a relieve it is to tell
One time i took a bath with my dad, i was too lazy to come out for the toilet so I peed in the bathtub...
I have sent the pictures for all of you. See all. See your comments. If you like me, like. I love you all
I f/22 admit, I don't give a shit about other peoples opinions
How do l look if you’re really love me but can you send me your number I text you
I’ve hated the last 20 years of my life and I don’t know if there’s any point anymore
I admit that i regularly pee when i'm in the Bathtub, and worse in every Pool i get in. I just can't help it.
I once caught someone stealing in a shop and offered the detective to do everything he would like to avoid calling the police
I 18 f confess, I never paid attention to prices when shopping, why is everything I like so expensive?
I confess that I still dream about m ex-boyfriend.
Fuck Me pliesss
My deepest darkest secrets in plain sight.
23M and have still never had my first kiss. Lost and lonely.
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