I hate round breadloafs. I only buy toast or square wholemeal bread
I’m Ulysees is text me I’m intrested in boxing and plying guitar
it’s a good day to be alive ain’t it ? don’t really know what to say here, i guess just looking for fun
I hate that my boyfriend is gambling, I secretly deleted his account and he thought he was hacked
I’ve always been a good girl. Now it’s time for a change.
Cuddle Buddy Please???
I invited my girlfriend to go in a dinghy. Unfortunately there was a hole in the boat and we went under.
i cant lie, i have a crush on my neighbour. she's soo cute but i dont know how to say it to her.
"The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them." : broken heart speaking.
i am new here
Let's see... just here to see what happens and have fun
Because my girlfriend always jokes about my bald head, I once cut off a long lock of her hair while she was sleeping.
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